Doctoal Programs
Doctoral studies at the School of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology are aimed at developing the necessary skills and abilities in our students for conducting an independent or a group research on questions of analytical psychology. This includes recognizing challenges, learning to analyze unsolved problems or identifying deficiencies in already solved problems, to decide which problems are worth pursuing, and, ultimately, to solve a problem that has never before been solved conclusively.
One of the strengths of the doctoral programs at the School of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology is the fact that traditionally we always encouraged close relationships between the students and the faculty during the lab research, data mining and analyses. Research teams composed of the faculty, the doctoral candidates, and the M.S. students often pursue related research questions and jointly engage in interrelated studies.
The School of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology offers two distinct doctoral programs, Ph.D. and Psy.D. Ph.D. in Analytical Psychology places emphases on theory and research. Graduates from this program typically pursue careers in academic settings. Writing and successfully defending a dissertation is required in this program. Psy.D. in Analytical Psychology is the program aimed at applied aspects of the discipline. Its coursework is comparatively light, as the practical application and professional experiences take up the greater part of the curriculum. Considering the practical nature of the specialization, no dissertation is required under this program.
The School of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology offers more than just the traditional online experience. It combines in-class seminars and examinations with online guidance. It provides the doctoral candidates with valuable extra-curricular opportunities to exchange ideas with the established psychologists, psychiatrists and prominent scholars, participate in ethics and moral debates, take part in international joint studies, and attend the ESAP ‑ the European Study Abroad Program of Georgian International University which gives our students unique opportunities to study, as well as teach in Europe, and receive full certifications and dual degrees from premier European academic institutions.
- Ph.D. in Behavioral Modification Psychology
- Ph.D. in Analytical Psychology
- Psy.D. in Analytical Psychology
We admit doctoral students on a quarterly basis. The School of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology welcomes international students, as well as transfer students into its doctoral programs.